WALKERS have won a victory to have a disused railway line recognised as a right of way.

A planning inspector had ruled against a bid by the Ramblers Association to have the old track running between Boosbeck and Slapewath, near Guisborough, confirmed as a right of way.

But he has been overruled by Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for the Environment, Fisheries and Agriculture, before an appeal lodged by the association could be heard at the High Court.

Dr John Birtill, Redcar and Cleveland area footpath secretary for the Ramblers Association, said: "This is a good outcome. It was clear that the inspector had got it wrong and that is why we persevered alone and commenced the High Court proceedings.

"The downside is that there may now be another inquiry, with all its attendant expenses and time-consuming effort by hard-pressed volunteers."

The track runs across land owned by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, Skelton and Gilling Estates and Margrove farmer Mr R S Goodison.

The British Horse Society, on behalf of local riders, was the first to call for the track to be recognised as a bridleway.

The society won the support of the council and there was no objection from the estates company, but an objection was lodged by Mr Goodison on the grounds that walkers have not had 20 years' unchallenged use of the track - a legal requirement for it to be confirmed a right of way.

Dr Birtill said it was imperative that people who used the track as a short cut to get from Boosbeck to Slapewath made their voices heard.

He said: "I ask anyone who has used the route along the old railway from Slapewath to Boosbeck to get in touch with me to ensure that the way's status is declared to be at least a public footpath. Their evidence is vital in this matter."

Dr Birtill said the ramblers found themselves lodging a High Court appeal on their own.

Explaining why, a spokesman for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council said: "After taking legal advice, it was decided that, given the considerable costs associated with an appeal, the risk of losing was judged to be too high and there would still be no guarantee a subsequent order would be confirmed, as is the case now."

Mr Goodison could not be contacted at the weekend.