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Public Notice



Notice is hereby given that Darlington Borough Council proposes to make an Order under Sections 1, 2,4, 45, 46, 47, 49 and 53 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Traffic Management Act 2004. Currently waivers can be purchased from the Council at the cost of £5 per day (payment in advance) by
1. tradesmen carrying outwork at a property adjacent to a road which is within a Residents Parking Zone where the vehicle cannot conveniently beusedforsuch purposeinanyotherpartoftheroadorinanother nearby road; and

2. tradesmencarryingoutworkatpremisesfrontingontoaroadwhichis subjecttoa waiting restriction where the vehiclecannotconveniently beusedforsuchpurposeinanyotherpartoftheroadorinanother nearbyroad.

The effect of the Order will be to enable tradesmen who require such waivers on a regular basis to buy a waiver for an extended period of time by payment in advance of £50 for a period of 13 weeks, £90 for a period of 26 weeks or £150 for a period of 52 weeks. The issuing of waivers for these extended periods of time will be at the discretion of the Council. Full details of the OrderarecontainedinthedraftOrderwhich,togetherwiththestatementof the Council's reasons for making the Order, may be examined free of charge during thehoursof9amto4.30pmMondaytoFridayinclusiveattheTown Hall, Feethams, Darlington. If you wish to object to the proposals contained in the Order you should send the grounds ofyour objection in writing to the Borough Solicitor, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT (Ref: AE) or by e-mail to traffic.orders@darlington.gov.uk stating the grounds on which they are made by21 November 2014.
Dated 24October2014
C Whitehead, Borough Solicitor

Published on 24/10/2014