FOR Stephanie Lightwing, 16, it certainly seems all the world’s a stage.

In June, despite taking her GCSE exams, she played Feste the jester in the final of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Open Stages competition in Worcester. Saltburn ’53 Drama Group had won through to the final with an extract from Twelfth Night entitled Oh Oh Malvolio!

This week the group brought Twelfth Night to audiences in Saltburn where performances continue tonight and tomorrow at the town’s community theatre Stephanie, who also has a lovely soprano singing voice, is reprising the role of Feste, stirring up mischief and music in equal measure in this highly-entertaining comedy. She plans to study English and drama at university Directors Sue and Andrew Pierce wanted not only to stage a colourful and musical play but to involve youth group members alongside the more seasoned actors.

Also in the cast are Natasha Graham, 15, as Viola, Jake Prout, 13, playing Fabian, and Isaac Moore, 13, a younger version of Malvolio. Other youth members play ladies-in-waiting and support the cast as back stage crew.

Performances start at 7.30pm (doors and bar open 6.45pm). Tickets cost £6 (£5 concessions) from Saltburn Health Food Shop, the box office (01287-624997) and at saltburn