BORDER bosses have been accused of “living in cocoons” over plans to slice a Stockton estate in two. 

A review by the Local Government Boundary Commission has seen a raft of changes lined up for ward boundaries in Stockton.

And proposals to divide Fairfield into two new wards have left veteran independents Cllr Bill Woodhead and Cllr Maurice Perry furious.

Drawings by the commission show residents living either side of Bishopton Road West would have different councillors from 2023.

It would see Fairfield split into “Fairfield North and Elm Tree” and “Fairfield South”. 

Both Cllr Perry and Cllr Woodhead vented their frustration at the latest Stockton cabinet meeting – saying the ward’s borders had stayed the same for many years and it had been run in “a well-defined and orderly manner”. 

Cllr Woodhead, who was first elected to Stockton Council in 1973, believed the changes “bore no resemblance to the reality on the ground”. 

He said: “We have people sitting there in their own little cocoons – some people call them ivory towers – but I’ll call them cocoons, instead of coming and talking to the people who are going to have to live with these decisions.”

He later went on to accuse the commission of treating the borough “shabbily”. 

“It’s absolutely scandalous,” added Cllr Woodhead. 

“In the Fairfield ward, we’ve had about five different names.

“I’m telling you now – when the people hear about this, they won’t be very happy.” 

A report from the pair also revealed they found it difficult to understand why the commission wanted to split the community along Bishopton Road West.

“Splitting the Fairfield Ward would destroy all that has been achieved in the many years of progress,” they added. 

“The residents can also remember, with regret, the time when boundary changes were made encapsulating Fairfield ward into Elm Tree ward, and then Bishopsgarth ward for short periods, then back to Fairfield ward which had disastrous effects until Fairfield became the norm.

“Again, please do not destroy what has been achieved over the years, as the residents do not want it destroyed.”

The draft report detailed border changes across Stockton which, if agreed, will apply at the 2023 elections. 

A two-councillor Fairfield South ward – extending its boundaries east along Oxbridge Lane and Oxbridge Avenue – is on the cards. 

Early plans have also lined up two members for Fairfield North and Elm Tree with Darlington Back Lane the new ward’s northern border. 

The report added: “We are of the view that this arrangement provides for a sensible reflection of communities, access routes, and the general geography of the area.

“On our virtual tour we noted the self-contained nature of the streets adjoining Bishopton Road West, and we consider that this forms a strong boundary.”

There was also irritation about the commission staff carrying out “virtual tours” of Stockton streets rather than visiting in person. 

Council leader Cllr Bob Cook said the review was important but noticed almost every ward in the borough had changes lined up. 

The Labour chief added: “The submission we put as a council was to have the least upset across the wards which would have been better.

“The Local Government Boundary Commission didn’t see that – and have disrupted almost every ward.”

Cllr Cook also believed border bosses couldn’t grasp a good understanding of neighbourhoods without a physical visit. 

“You’ve got to come down and have a look at it – and talk to the people as well,” he added. 

The LGBC is an independent body accountable to Parliament.

Its consultation on changes is open until July 19.