AFTER half a century producing candles and negotiating through some difficult times especially of of late, a Dales business is still burning brightly.

In early 1971, slightly disaffected with their jobs, Jennifer and Mick White were offered quarter of a ton of candle wax. This prompted them to start up their own business in a rented cellar just outside Leeds earning a living candle making.

Although a testing time for many, power cuts during the 1973 three-day-week boosted sales and they soon bought a car. Looking for larger and more suitable premises, the chance of a rundown water mill at Wensley saw their dream move to the country become a reality.

Living off their savings whilst improving the site, after six months White Rose Candles re-opened for business in Wensleydale.

The advent of cheap Chinese imports badly affected their business, however shrewd marketing, new designs and sticking to old-fashion principles paid off. Fifty years on they are still in business. They have even produced a checked pattern candle for Burberry.

Four years ago Mr and Mrs White went into partnership with Jane Hammond and Sandra Hewitt now running the business.

Although the last 18 months have been hard, Jane can see light at the end of the tunnel as things slowly return to normal.

She said: “Last summer it was very busy after the first lockdown ended, although that in itself was stressful as there wasn’t a vaccine and we had a one out, one in policy.

“Sticking to the rules cost us some sales but we felt it was the right thing to do.”

In common with many businesses, they were assisted by the Government‘s financial help package but still felt they had to innovate.

Unable to fully utilise their picturesque setting adjacent to Wensley’s waterfall, it prompted a change in marketing. Their website was given a makeover by Jane’s daughter Emily and a move to online sales kept the business going during what was for many, a tough time. An increasing number of customers are now calling and spending time looking round and watching their candle-making creativity.

Kat Archer, a customer for more than 20 years from Warwickshire, sums up their appeal. She said: “I love coming here; the ladies really nice and they have candles for every occasion, some quite cheap or more expensive, and top quality ones.”

To celebrate White Rose Candle’s half century in business, Jane and Sandra are currently creating a special 50th anniversary candle.