In the latest instalment of Team North Yorkshire, a partnership between North Yorkshire County Council and the D&S Times to highlight acts of community kindness, we look at how a community came together to help those in financial hardship

NORTH Yorkshire is famed for the kindness of its communities, and that attitude is typified by the way a Hambleton food bank was created and then expanded to cope with increased public demand.

Northallerton-based Hambleton Foodshare grew from within the community after it became apparent about eight years ago that increasing numbers of people needed a short-term solution to the difficulties they faced.

A public meeting resulted, including churches, housing associations and other public bodies – but crucially members of the community.

The Foodshare emerged as a self-supporting entity, relying on the generosity of residents and businesses to donate produce and the dedication of volunteers to ensure the organisation operated as intended.

While each year has seen demand increase, the need for help spiked during the Covid pandemic, when numbers of food parcels distributed virtually doubled in the space of a year.

It is testament to the volunteers who offer their time that it was able to meet that demand, and also to those whose donations meant there was enough produce to pass on.

By that time, Foodshare was getting more assistance – in the form of grants from the county and district councils – with organisations such as Rotary also stepping in and supermarkets providing support, along with other retailers.


Team North Yorkshire


Today, the widespread delivery scheme which was needed during pandemic lockdowns has been scaled back, but a team of about 60 active volunteers continue to help ensure demand is met.


Hambleton Foodshare is based in Northallerton

Hambleton Foodshare is based in Northallerton


Foodshare remains a vital component in the community, with volunteers gearing up to pack Christmas packages, designed to take enough pressure off family finances to allow people to buy festive items like turkeys, which they cannot supply.

Foodshare is able to provide beyond the dinner table, however, offering items including toiletries and cleaning products to help those struggling to make ends meet.

As Foodshare has grown, it has employed two part time staff to help ensure the process runs smoothly, including co-ordinator Alison Grainger.

She is full of praise for the work of volunteers, and says: “We have fantastic people, what they do is absolutely amazing.

“We are an emergency service, it is the community helping the community. If people are stuck, they can come along and see us. People should not sit at home panicking because they have no food."

It was this dedication to the community which earned the group a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2019.

At present Foodshare is distributing about 260 parcels each month.

Most users do not need long-term support and it is rare for people to need more than two or three parcels because they are offered help to find assistance elsewhere to improve their circumstances.

The scale of demand means Foodshare would struggle to keep up with long-term users alongside fresh clients needing help.

Those who do get help frequently write to express their gratitude, with one telling the organisation: “I really hope that in the future, when I am in a better position, I will be able to repay you in some way.”

That could mean a former recipient giving back by volunteering for the group – a classic case of the community helping the community.


Hambleton Foodshare is based in Northallerton

Hambleton Foodshare is based in Northallerton


VOLUNTEERS are a vital component of organisations like Hambleton Foodshare because it is their work which turns good intentions into reality.

But while volunteer support is a necessity, it can also be a pleasure for those involved – which helps to explain the fact that active Foodshare volunteers number several dozen.

They include Simon Old, who got involved after moving to the area in retirement after previous volunteering experience in Leeds.

His work has involved a range of ‘back room’ duties, including collecting donations to marking up stock and organising logistics – making sure rotas work smoothly to keep the parcels flowing when needed.

He says: “I like to think I am doing something which helps other people.

“Some people say volunteering is a sacrifice but it isn’t; I get a lot of pleasure from doing it, the camaraderie is brilliant.”

Part of that is down to the way Foodshare was organised, he says, keeping it friendly, with local trustees to oversee its work.

Dianne Dixon had been shocked to learn about the need for food banks from television several years ago and got involved after retiring from her career.

She is part of the "Thursday morning team" who help to make up packages at Foodshare’s warehouse, before they are moved to the Living Rooms town centre base for distribution.

“It isn’t demanding work, it is good fun,” she says. “There is a team of us and it is a case of many hands making light work.

“When we give parcels out, people are generally so grateful, people really appreciate it and it is nice to see that side.

“It is a rewarding job and good to be doing a bit to help, it all adds up."