CLOSE up images and findings behind months of investigations into wood dust coating The Clarences have been revealed. 

Biomass giant Stobart Energy apologised last week after the playground at High Clarence Primary School was left covered when pupils returned from their half term break. 

Meanwhile, earlier studies into longer term dust problems have been released by the Environment Agency – showing what experts found between September 2020 and April 2021 after monitoring at the school.

A 47-page report – including a separate investigation in a Stockton Council-commissioned study – outlined how the air quality found overall was within permitted levels. 

However, details did show certain sizes of particles falling on Port Clarence when the wind was coming from the direction of the nearby Stobart plant. 

An Environment Agency study was launched at a mobile unit in the car park of High Clarence Primary School on September 7, 2020, after two years of dust troubles in Port Clarence. 

The aim of the study was to pinpoint sources of air pollution, check air quality and find out what conditions brought on episodes of dust or poor air quality.

Wind speeds, directions and the size of particles were tracked by the agency’s sensor over the 221-day period. 

When it came to air quality standards, the unit found levels of PM10 and PM2.5 – particles ten micrometers or 2.5 micrometers across – were deemed not to exceed levels set out nationally. 

As a comparison, a human hair is typically between 50 to 70 micrometers across. 

DustScanAQ images uncovered during monitoring at High Clarence Primary School 2020 Picture: DUSTSCANAQ/STOCKTON COUNCIL

DustScanAQ images uncovered during monitoring at High Clarence Primary School 2020 Picture: DUSTSCANAQ/STOCKTON COUNCIL

However, the report added that as the monitoring was done during winter, levels of PM10 –  were likely to be higher during the drier summer months.

And while overall levels didn’t exceed air index limits, there were days where 24-hour PM10 monitoring showed it did go over air quality standards 

All nine of these days occurred when the wind was coming from the direction of Stobart Biomass Products plants.

Agency officials also analysed directional plots of particles tracked by the device.

Their findings suggested that PM10 was seen in higher percentages in the direction of the Stobart plant at the time – with the results also suggesting the sources were “intermittent”. 

During the Environment Agency study, Stockton Council signed up firm DustScanAQ to do its own monitoring using “optical light microscopy analysis”. 

This involved using sticky pad monitors at the school collecting dust from all directions between September 11 and December 31, 2020. 

Microscopic analysis on two samples collected in September and November looked solely at the pads pointing in the direction of the Stobart plant. 

DustScanAQ images uncovered during monitoring at High Clarence Primary School 2020 Picture: DUSTSCANAQ/STOCKTON COUNCIL

DustScanAQ images uncovered during monitoring at High Clarence Primary School 2020 Picture: DUSTSCANAQ/STOCKTON COUNCIL

The report added: “The results showed that the most dominant material in each sample was organic material, thought to be wood fibres from Stobart Biomass Products Ltd.”

The DustScan report was published in March last year – stating dust was “generally low from all directions except the south-west where the waste handling facility is located”. 

It also revealed images of the materials found up close – with organic fibres, thought to be wood, featuring alongside possible plant fragments, insects, pollen grains, tyre rubber and mineral grains.

The study found the most abundant material seen in both samples was thought to be organic material – which “could be wood fibres which could be associated with the materials handed at the nearby waste handling facility”. 

The DustScan probe found this material was “most likely to be sourced from wooden pallets and furniture” handled nearby. 

The report added: “The microscopy observations and the high levels of dust recorded at the school yard from the direction of the nearby waste handling facility during the selected monitoring periods, suggest that wood fibres from the waste handling facility could be propagating towards the school and potentially causing a nuisance.”

Monitoring took place during the pandemic – and did cover the winter lockdown when little else was operating in the area. 

The Environment Agency report stated the levels reported were unlikely to be representative of those experienced “during normal site operation”.

However, the study concluded that it was likely Stobart was contributing to particulate levels at the school. 

Last week, Stockton North MP Alex Cunningham called for joint action to halt the dust problems blighting The Clarences. 

He said he’d met High Clarence school leaders who felt there simply wasn’t enough being done – with pupils restricted from going outside on some days when the dust was particularly bad. 

In response to the findings, a Stobart Energy spokesman said independent testing over a number of years had shown dust collecting around the Port Clarence area was “commonly coming from multiple sources in the nearby area”. 

He added: “Stobart Energy actively reduces its own impact by applying a number of measures to ensure it does not create dust, including the use of mist canons that dampen waste wood to ensure it doesn’t fly away.”

However, the firm added high winds had seen dust escape the plant in recent weeks – with plans for the dust to be removed and Mr Cunningham invited on a tour. 

 The spokesman added: “That meant that wood dust did escape our site on this occasion. 

“We apologise for this. We intend to undertake a number of immediate actions.”

A Health and Safety Executive spokesperson said: ‘’While there are no interventions ongoing in relation to dust emission that is work-related near the school, we would be willing to join any multi-agency discussion on this matter, if requested to do so.”

Stockton Council and Environment Agency officials also confirmed they would be willing to attend a joint meeting.