RICHMOND MP Rishi Sunak visited a primary school to talk to pupils about his work as their local representative.

Mr Sunak was shown round Ainderby Steeple Church of England Primary School, near Northallerton, by members of the school council.

He met the whole school in the main hall where the children sang to him and he then visited every class to answer the children’s questions about his work as the area’s MP in Westminster.

During his visit he also talked to the new headteacher, Rachel Peart, and chair of governors, John Kelly about the school’s progress during the Covid-19 pandemic and plans to further develop a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum.

He joined one class learning about the elements of rhythm with music teacher Jonathan Hills and took part in a clapping exercise with the pupils.

Mr Sunak said: “I was most impressed by the children, the atmosphere in the school, the ambition of the new head and governors and the quality of the questions I was asked during my tour of the classes.”

Mrs Peart said the pupils had been very excited and had enjoyed Mr Sunak’s visit. She said: “It was a delight to welcome Mr Sunak to the school.

“It was fantastic to see the positive interaction between Mr Sunak and our pupils. It gave the pupils a greater depth of knowledge with regards to fundamental British values and the working of the government.”