More than 1,300 people have signed a petition to reopen the Post Office in Helmsley, which closed suddenly with no prior warning in August.

Following the closure of the town’s Costcutter, which also offered essential Post Office services, a temporary solution was then installed in the town after a protest organised by Helmsley’s County Councillor, George Jabbour.

Despite the significant demand on this service, this temporary solution came to an end in November.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The temporary solution came to an end in NovemberThe temporary solution came to an end in November (Image: George Jabbour)

When this temporary solution was cancelled a spokesperson for the Post Office said: “We have an interested retailer who wants to re-open the Post Office in Helmsley."

The spokesperson confirmed that there were no immediate plans to re-introduce the temporary solution to Helmsley.

Cllr Jabbour previously criticised the Post Office for not resolving the issue in time for Christmas.

He said: “Their failure to establish another service before cancelling the Post Office mobile branch was inexcusable.”

Darlington and Stockton Times: “Their failure to establish another service before cancelling the Post Office mobile branch was inexcusable.”“Their failure to establish another service before cancelling the Post Office mobile branch was inexcusable.” (Image: Cllr George Jabbour)

Following a news report by the BBC about the continued lack of a Post Office in Helmsley, Cllr Jabbour organised a petition with the support of local businesses to urge the Post Office to immediately restart services.

He said: “The feedback that I have received following the broadcast of the BBC’s piece was positive as residents felt that it reflected their concerns.

“As a result of this, I launched a petition to the Chair and to the Chief Executive of the Post Office, Henry Staunton and Nick Read, with the help of Helmsley’s local businesses.

“The response significantly exceeded our expectations as over 1,300 people signed the request for the Post Office to immediately reintroduce services.  

“This demonstrates how urgent it is for the Post Office to take action.

“During my visit to London to hand the petition at the Post Office Headquarters, I explained how important it is for both local people and businesses that a temporary solution returns to Helmsley until a permanent full-time provision becomes available.”

Currently, the closest Post Offices to Helmsley are Ampleforth and Kirkbymoorside, which has brought criticism from residents.

Speaking on Twitter on December 12, Mandy Spink, of Viva Hair, in Helmsley, said: “The busiest shop in Kirkbymoorside. @PostOffice, a lot of the people are having to come from Helmsley where we still have NO post office! Our basic infrastructure getting worse in rural areas where we need it most!”

A Post Office spokesperson previously told the Gazette & Herald: “We know how important a Post Office is to this community and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused by the closure of this Post Office and ending the temporary service that had been offered.

“We are working hard to provide a full-time solution as soon as possible.”