Months after receiving the devastating news that she had incurable breast cancer, 34-year-old Rachael Warren has launched an appeal to raise money for cancer research and a specialist treatment centre.

For the past six months Rachael, from Northallerton, has been undergoing intensive chemotherapy at the Sir Robert Ogden Centre in Northallerton. But with the backing of friend Louise Walker she is organising a charity ball to raise money for two breast cancer research charities and the Sir Robert Ogden Centre.

Rachael, who married husband Paul just four months before she received the diagnosis which has left them both devastated, said they have been overwhelmed by support for the event.

She was diagnosed with rare Triple Negative Breast Cancer, which affects just ten to 15 per cent of breast cancer patients and was identified as carrying the BRCA1 gene. She also wants to raise awareness of the disease and is urging women to ensure they check for changes in their breasts.

Rachael said: “Following the completion of my Masters degree and getting married I felt like I had my whole future to look forward to. In September 2022 however our lives fell apart following the devastating stage four cancer diagnosis.

“There are very few targeted treatment options open to me as my cancer is not hormone positive and I would really love to raise as much money as possible to fund life-saving research. I would also like to raise money for the cancer centre in Northallerton in recognition of the fantastic work the nurses do and how important the centre is to our local community. Businesses have been so supportive we really appreciate any help that people can give us.”

The Alice in Wonderland Charity Ball is being held on Friday, June 30 at the Golden Lion in Northallerton. Tickets are priced at £50 per person and include a three-course meal, table magician and entertainer Mike Driver, music and dancing from the 8 Tees, photo booths and giant games.

Rachael said so far they have had many donations for an auction being held at the ball. These include premium tickets on The Polar Express train ride in Wensleydale, a stay at the Crab & Lobster, a framed print from Lucy Pittaway, two nights at the Roseacre Retreat along with many others.

Doors open at 7pm with carriages at midnight. For tickets