Storm Pooper emerged as the Cow Pat Champion at one of the most unusual coronation celebrations in the country, as crowds turned out to watch her deliver the goods.

For the tiny market town of Masham in North Yorkshire it was the most talked about event of their celebrations as four cows stood in a field, the centre of attention of scores of people hoping to win £2,000 in prize money.

They had to wait and watch for 55 nail biting minutes before the big event as Storm Pooper, Daisy Dung, Harry Plopper and Poo Patrol fought it out. Well in reality there wasn’t much competition, they simply wandered around munching through the fresh spring grass on Masham Sports football field.

There were false alarms when two of the cows lifted their tails after 15 minutes, the main sign of cow pat delivery, but in the event they were just having a wee.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Storm Pooper, centre, become the Cow Pat Champion

Compere Ian Johnson said: “In reality there wasn’t a lot of competition but the good thing was they did do the business eventually for us and it has raised a large amount of money for the town. It is a bit bizarre that so many people stood around watching four cows' bums for the best part of an hour but it worked out well.”

Darlington and Stockton Times: Organisers of the Challenge with the first cow pat

The event was all down to Arthur Plumpton, long time Masham resident, who resurrected a tradition from 25 years ago when he had run a similar competition to raise money for the town. The Masham Community Office need to find £215,000 to buy the former police office, which is their home, to ensure it can continue. They are hoping to have raised more than £4,000 through the challenge.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The measuring begins to find the winner of the £2,000 prize money

To find a winner they divided the field into 6,000 grids, selling tickets for each one, and then drafted in local young farmer Mason Dibb to bring four of his Belgian Blue heifers along to deliver the all important deciding cow pat.

Arthur admits it is an Udderly ridiculous event but says it has kept people amoos-ed for weeks as they bought tickets and contemplated how long it could take for it to be decided.

He added: “Because we have a really good prize of £2,000 that helps, and people think it is bizarre and a bit of fun so they have all got behind it. There is a lot of work in creating the grids and dividing up the field as well as selling the tickets but it's worked well for us.

“I am sure King Charles III would wholeheartedly support us, you never know if he hadn’t been busy this weekend he might have come along. I think it could certainly catch on as a good way of raising money.”

Local resident Jim Harrison said: “It’s barmy but it’s good fun, we’re all standing here watching four cows in a field waiting for them to deliver a cow pat in the rain, and nobody is complaining.”

After complicated measurements the winning ticket was announced as 3090, the winner is being contacted.