Residents have been urged to have their say on initial plans for a controversial solar farm covering large swathes of land between Darlington and Stockton. 

Stretching from Brafferton, off the A167 near Darlington, to the north east of Bishopton, the Byers Gill Solar Farm plans have been drawn up to generate energy for around 70,000 homes.

However residents have warned the development could “change our lives for 40 years”. Some public meetings to discuss the initial plans have already taken place, with more planned in the future. 

The six areas outlined for the solar panels are: Brafferton, Hauxley Farm, Bters Gill Wood, Great Stainton, and two near Bishopton. 

At one recent meeting in the village, residents said they were not against solar or wind farms, but were concerned over the effect it would have on agriculture in the area. The project will have a lifespan of 40 years, after which the land will be returned to its former state. During its operation, the land can still be used for agricultural activities such as grazing, the applicant said. 

Darlington and Stockton Times: The six areas outlined for solar panels in the initial plans The six areas outlined for solar panels in the initial plans (Image: JBM Solar)

"This is not just about looking out your window and seeing a solar panel, this is going to change our lives for 40 years," one resident said. "There's people that have lived in this village for more than 40 years and they've stayed here for a reason, there's people like me that have been here for a relatively short period.

"We moved here for a reason, this is a rural community."

A public consultation opened on May 5 and will run until June 16, allowing local communities to respond. The applicant, JBM Solar, says it is an opportunity for the public to share their views before a planning application is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate later this year. If consented, the solar farm could be operational by 2027.

But residents remain worried over the size and scale of the proposed development, with one saying it proposes “a huge invasion of solar farms, and make no mistake, an invasion is what it is.” 

They added: "What have we done to deserve the destruction of our countryside and our views? Solar farms are an industrial eyesore and will devalue our homes. The transformation will be horrendous."

"The Byers Gill proposal is an act of gross industrialisation in one of the prettiest villages in the UK. In our view, that is completely unacceptable."

Darlington Council Leader Jonathan Dulston told residents the authority is “absolutely committed to our rural committees” and said it will support residents throughout the process. 

JBM Solar insists its proposals will be informed by local feedback and its team will “listen, learn, and where appropriate, amend the designs, to ensure local feedback is incorporated”. It added that it is committed to providing benefits from the project for local people. “We are proposing areas of the project that can be used by the community, such as a new area of orchard to the north of Bishopton and other amenity areas including picnic benches and art pieces,” a spokesman said. “We are proposing a community fund for the benefit of local people to be spent on projects they care about.”

When and where are the public consultation events?


Friday, May 19 - Stillington Village Hall - 1-7pm 

Tuesday, May 23 - Brafferton Village Hall - 1-7pm

Wednesday, May 24 - Bishopton Village Hall - 1-7pm