Police and council chiefs are mulling over the options to tackle a problem junction after a “useful” meeting with councillors.

The three ward councillors for Ingleby Barwick North called a meeting to discuss the Sandgate junction, which has caused concern among residents and motorists. An online petition was launched recently in the wake of a number of accidents.

Councillors Sally Ann Watson, Alan Watson and Ted Strike met with Cleveland Police district commander Supt John Wrintmore and a Stockton Council highways safety officer.

Cllr Sally Ann Watson said: “They heard our concerns and shared possible solutions. We’ve given the officers some food for thought.

“It was a positive meeting all in all, discussing the speeding, red lights, options for cameras.”

She said they discussed issues including a right turn which left drivers stranded in the road facing oncoming traffic when the lights change, as well as speeding, running red lights and the possibility of altering the lighting sequence.

Councillor Sally Ann Watson

Councillor Sally Ann Watson

She added: “There are people that speed up to get through the junction, people are jumping the red lights. They may not perceive it as that but it’s what they’re doing. Then you’ve got complete idiots.

“It’s finding the best possible solution to quite a multi-faceted issue. They’re going to explore the possibility of cameras, which would be fantastic.

“Not sure how much change they can physically make to the junction because one of the issues is the camber in the middle, it’s the drainage system underneath.”

Cllr Alan Watson said: “I was quite impressed with the police and council’s response. Hopefully we’ll get something sorted.

“We haven’t come up with a definitive answer yet but we’re looking at several different options, everything from changing the sequence of the lights to speed cameras and redesigning the junction completely.

“A lot of things are down to cost but there’s been quite a lot of accidents on that junction and it needs to be looked at.

“The council are going to look at that first and we’ll have a second meeting and go from there. This is just a preliminary discussion about what the issues are.

“We need to look at it further before we can decide what we can do. We’re heading in the right direction and things are quite positive.”

Cllr Ted Strike said: “It was a very useful meeting. Hopefully Stockton Council have taken on our concerns.

Cllr Ted Strike

Cllr Ted Strike

“It appears that Sandgate junction is the second largest and second busiest junction in Stockton Council. It obviously needs some attention.

“I asked if we could go from a three-way to a four-way lights system. I knew the answer would be no because it creates further back-up.

“I’m a campaigner to open up Lowfield Avenue. You get the build-up of traffic because people can’t get out of the fourth exit.

“It would make that junction far safer. I think it would be extremely well-supported. If nothing comes from this meeting that’s successful I will be getting a petition.

“I did suggest we have a two or three-second extra delay on the lights because we have people stuck in the middle of the road, which is causing a lot of anxiety.”