North Yorkshire Council say ambitious plans to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing society while accelerating economic growth are being harnessed in a new strategy.

The draft economic growth strategy aims to establish a leading role in proposals to create a carbon-negative economy, maximise investment and improve the quality of life for the county’s 615,000 residents and 32,000 businesses.

They say the five-year strategy includes plans to support business growth, building existing sectors and increasing innovation and productivity.

They are looking to equip town centres so they can thrive through the 21st century by investing in transport, housing, digital and energy infrastructure. The strategy aims to ensure that residents have the skills needed to meet the aspirations.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for open to business, Cllr Derek Bastiman, said: "Our economic growth strategy is a key milestone for the council, marking an exciting new phase for our economy.

"We are set to take the lead on tackling some of the big economic challenges of our time and seek to maximise investment from the private sector, government and funding agencies.

"This strategy comes at a critical time for North Yorkshire, and one of the most exciting in its recent history. Having recently successfully completed the move to a single unitary, we have a once in a generation opportunity to embed a new approach to supporting economic growth in North Yorkshire."

North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council have a devolution deal with the Government, which subject to final approval by Parliament, will lead to the creation of a new York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority to drive regeneration and investment to the wider area.

Cllr Bastiman added: "North Yorkshire is a unique and special place. Its scale and industries make it integral to the North of England’s economic future, and its landscapes, culture and history make it a fantastic place to live, work and do business."

They say the county is already a leader in the UK’s transition to net zero and has ambitions to go further becoming a carbon-negative economy, meaning more carbon dioxide emissions would be removed from the atmosphere than are emitted.

They're promoting renewable energy generation, agritech and food and drink sectors which they say are all nationally significant and offer huge potential for both growth and decarbonisation.

Cllr Bastiman added: "The county is also home to a vast array of localised specialisms spanning financial and professional services, advanced manufacturing, logistics, digital and life sciences, as well as being an internationally-renowned visitor economy which in itself generates more than £1.5 billion each year."

Members of the council’s executive are being recommended on Tuesday October 17 to urge the full council to adopt the draft strategy.