A large audience from the Rotary Clubs of Northallerton and Northallerton Mowbray recently enjoyed an evening talk from RAF Air Cadet Niamh Jessup, who completed a challenging week of leadership and character-building activities.

Niamh took part in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), a week-long residential course based at Hebden Hey Activity Centre near Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire. The course challenges youngsters to solve problems and to lead and work with other members of a team.

Niamh, who was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Northallerton, described her experiences of bonding with other course members, undergoing rigorous physical and mental tests in teams, and developing skills of self-confidence, leadership and teamwork.

Darlington and Stockton Times: From left, Anne Ash (President of Northallerton Mowbray Rotary Club), Niamh Jessup, Flying Officer Mike Donnelly, and Emma Biggs (President of The Rotary Club of Northallerton)

She is a sixth form student at Northallerton School and Sixth Form College, and a member of 2337 Squadron RAF Air Cadets in Northallerton.

Niamh, who was accompanied for the talk by Flying Officer Mike Donnelly from the RAF Air Cadets, said "I am keen to join the Royal Air Force Police, and I am so grateful for the experience of the course in terms of enhancing my self-confidence and preparing for my chosen career."

Recruitment for the next courses in July and August 2024 start this autumn. Contact secretary@northallertonrotary.org.uk for more information.