The £1.3m Northallerton Sports Village still does not have an official opening date - but it could be happening soon.

The development has been bogged down in contract difficulties transferring the land to the North Yorkshire Council.

In the months of delay there have been issues with vandalism and walkers being able to walk into the 'closed' site. 

Graffiti on the site which has been concerning locals will be removed by developers Taylor Wimpey before the site is officially opened.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Northallerton Sports Village

Jo Ireland, North Yorkshire Council’s assistant director for culture and leisure, said: "The capital works on the first phase of the Northallerton Sports Village were completed in July – however the site remained closed to allow for the recreational grassed areas to establish. 

"Since then the site has not been able to be opened due to a delay in the transfer of the land from the developers to us.

"We continue to work towards opening the site as soon as possible."

Pictures from the site show overgrown fences and a cone abandoned in the middle of a puddle.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Northallerton Sports Village

Local councillor Steve Watson said: "There should be some communications coming in the next week or two.

"We are frustrated that this has been held up by the exchange of contracts.

"Unfortunately we can't open the sports village until we officially own the land.

"We are working closely with the developers Taylor Wimpey to get the contracts as soon as possible.

"We are working with them to get the graffiti on the site cleared up before it is officially opened.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Northallerton Sports Village

"There was a meeting last week and basically our hands are tied until the contracts are exchanged.

"Obviously, once that is done and we take control we can deal with any problems.

"We hope to have news in a week or two."

Previously a council spokesperson outlined what the £1.3m have been spent on.

This included: 

  • Planting 300 large trees
  • Planting 3,000 smaller trees
  • Woodland management to strengthen areas with thinner trees
  • 53 bird boxes installed
  • 14 bat boxes installed
  • A pond has been created

The project's aim is to improve the existing Stone Cross recreational land, as well as bringing land to the north of the town into community use.

The first phase of the project was set to finish in March this year but there has been a lengthy delay.