Plans for a new children’s play area can go ahead after a council won approval from its own planning officers.

Stockton Council asked for permission to install the play area on a part of open space at Hardwick Green Park, High Newham Road, Stockton.

The facility will include a ground trampoline, seesaw, mini-swing, play panels and 24-hour CCTV monitoring with two cameras. The plan drew no objections.

“Stockton Council has responded to requests from local residents and partner organisations such as 13 Group to provide a modern and attractive play space on the area of open space adjacent to High Newham Road,” said the council in a design statement.

“Financing for the project has now been allocated and a new play area design has been submitted. Permission has been given for the installations of 2 CCTV cameras. The CCTV camera would enable the council’s security and surveillance centre and enforcement teams to monitor the play area on a 24-hour basis.

“The area is already used by children and young people through the multi-use games area that was installed around 2007.

“The play area will provide free access to both play and non-prescriptive play which will encourage children to be physically active, stimulate their creative abilities and develop their social skills. The proposed play area will also have a positive impact on children & young people’s wellbeing.

“The design will be fully inclusive and accessible, catering for pre-school children of differing abilities. It will also provide a play space that is designed for all children with diverse abilities and provide an opportunity to play alongside one another.”

Planning officers said the play equipment would be “generally small-scale, low-level and designed for young children, therefore is not considered to be visually intrusive”, and it would not be harmful to residents, with the nearest homes about 20m away on Copley Close.