The Guisborough branch of the Royal British Legion received a cheque for £2,317 for the 2023 Legion Poppy Appeal from the Old Guisborian Freemasons Lodge.

The money had been collected over the weeks prior to Remembrance Sunday by supporters, Emma West and Gary Mitchell, and lodge organiser Matthew Horner, using football blind cards, raffles, and business sponsors from throughout the town.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The presentation at the Old Guisborian Freemason's Lodge with from l to r, Lodge Master Martin Eggermont, Poppy Appeal Organiser Fergus Osborne, Guisborough RBL Chair Brian Gent, Lodge supporters Emma West and Gary Mitchell, and Lodge Organiser

A short presentation with the cheque was made at the lodge to the Guisborough RBL branch chair, Brian Kent, and Poppy Appeal organiser, Fergus Osborne.