Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen has announced a £1 cap on bus fares for under-21s.

Young bus passengers across the Tees Valley will benefit from the cap, to be rolled out next month. Prices for single journeys across the region will be slashed for young people from June 16.

A £3.5million package from the Mayor will fund the £1 fare cap, and Ben Houchen said: “This scheme will make it easier for young people to access the wave of good quality local jobs and training we’re bringing.

“I’m a man of my word and I am wasting no time in delivering on this promise.

Darlington and Stockton Times: A £1 cap on bus travelA £1 cap on bus travel (Image: TVCA)

“We are creating thousands of new jobs and opportunities, and the next phase of my plan is to ensure everyone from across Teesside, Darlington, and Hartlepool can benefit from these opportunities.

  • Read more: Find all of our stories about Ben Houchen HERE

“Good quality jobs for local people, giving them more money in their pockets, is how we truly transform our area, and I am going further to make our transport system more affordable by securing agreement from the bus operators for a £3 day ticket for all under-21s.”

Money for the scheme has come from the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) allocation. The £1 cap will apply to passengers aged 21 and under and will also apply to most journeys starting in the Tees Valley and travelling outside the region.