A carefully crafted book detailing the role of women of past and present is on display courtesy of villagers from a long-standing Women’s Institute.

Ainderby Steeple WI has joined forces with Northallerton Library to showcase the book, which holds a collection of archive images, maps and snippets from the lives of residents.

Along with the book, members are displaying other cherished items such as cups they have won at country shows and an embroidered tablecloth made for Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation in 1953.

The exhibition is on display throughout May to coincide with the Local and Community History Month, an annual campaign aimed at increasing awareness of local history.

Darlington and Stockton Times: Members of Ainderby Steeple WI presenting their carefully crafted book to staff at Northallerton

Hazel Cantle, secretary of Ainderby Steeple WI, said: “We have 25 members who went above and beyond to create the book, dedicating countless hours to pull it together. We also had the input of villagers, their family members, and local businesses.

“Ainderby Steeple WI created a book in 1965 to mark the national organisation’s 50th anniversary, which is cherished by everyone in the group.

“A few years ago, we came up with the idea of making another, focusing on the same themes which include fashion, cooking, crafting and the changing nature of landmarks in the village.

“The display at the library will showcase the history of not just Ainderby Steeple WI, but the whole organisation, and how culture has changed since it was formed.

“It is an opportunity to raise awareness of the WI and encourage people to join and ensure the organisation continues for generations to come.”

Darlington and Stockton Times: North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for libraries, Cllr Simon Myers, and the secretary of

The WI was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. It is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for libraries, Cllr Simon Myers said: “The hard work of Ainderby Steeple WI in creating such a detailed book deserves to be recognised. It will undoubtedly be treasured by its members and the community, just as the original has been.

“We are proud to display it at Northallerton Library along with other cherished memorabilia to celebrate Local and Community History Month, which will see all our libraries hold events and activities during May.

“We hope library visitors will enjoy the display, get a sense of what the WI represents and even be inspired to become a member."

As part of Northallerton Library’s Local and Community History Month activities, at 2pm on Thursday, May 23, members of Romanby WI will present a talk interweaving the group’s early years with the history of the area. The event is free, but booking is required as places are limited. Contact the library on 01609 533832, or email northallerton.library@northyorks.gov.uk.