Dedicated to finding homes for the babies and children in their care, Adopt Coast to Coast, the Regional Adoption Agency for Durham County Council and Together for Children (Sunderland), is calling for more people to explore adoption as a way to start or grow their families.

There are lots of reasons that lead people to the decision to adopt.

In Sean and Kelly’s case, their decision came after experiencing fertility issues and going through unsuccessful fertility treatment. They’re now the proud parents of a little girl they adopted just before her first birthday.

Speaking about their experience, Sean said “Adoption was always an option. When our fertility treatment didn’t work, we decided to look into it further.

Darlington and Stockton Times:

“We found Adopt Coast to Coast online and read about other people’s experience of adopting with them, which helped us to decide to start the process with them.”

Adopt Coast to Coast supports adoptive parents every step of the way. Sean told us “The process was good – more enjoyable than we expected. The hardest part was waiting for checks and references. Our social worker at the time was really reassuring and helpful. They never raised expectations and were open and honest throughout the process.

“We also took part in training where we made some really good friends who had similar experiences to us.

Darlington and Stockton Times:

Kelly added “When we were eventually told that we can be parents, it was like a dream come true. We had lots of information about our daughter before we met her, so we felt like we really knew her and on our introduction day she took to us quite quickly. By the end of our meeting, we were getting cuddles.

“I’d say if anyone is thinking of adopting, it can be a long process but it’s so worth it. If you’ve got questions or are unsure, make a phone call and find out more. Many of the things we worried about turned out to be nothing in the end.”

Adopt Coast to Coast welcome applications from all walks of life, including single people and couples, applicants from the LGBTQ+ community, employed or unemployed and those with biological children. If you’re working or unemployed, own your home or rent it, they will consider all enquiries.

If, like Sean and Kelly, you feel you can offer a loving home to one or more children, Adopt Coast to Coast hosts two online information events every month – to book a space or to find out more about adoption go to or call 03000 268 268.