Environmental Protection has served a notice to clear rubbish from a property in Darlington which the local MP described as "dangerous".

During a walkaround with Peter Gibson, the property on Westmoreland Street was highlighted as one of the worst areas of North Road.

Mattresses, broken bits of wood and glass filled the back yard of the house.

Darlington and Stockton Times: "Dangerous" house in Darlington

Conservative MP Peter Gibson described it as "This is a fire risk. It's dangerous for children too. There will be vermin in there too.

"The council need to take action with enforcement action."

Darlington and Stockton Times: Peter Gibson at a house he thinks is "dangerous"

The local Liberal Democrat councillors have known about the issue since before the last local election.

Hilary Allen, one of North Road's councillor, said: "We have today been advised that Environmental Protection have served a notice on the property in Westmoreland Street that Peter Gibson was pointing to and intimating that we Liberal Democrat Councillors had done nothing. 

"As people will be aware legal action takes time and we have been working with relevant officers since before the last election to try and get this property sorted. 

"Unfortunately, legal wheels grind exceedingly slow; but finally there is a resolution which will help the neighbours and neighbourhood."