Work to redevelop the former D&S Times and Northern Echo building in Darlington town centre has taken a step forward.

Adavo, a North East-based workspace provider, has been appointed to transform the former newspaper offices into an adult skills facility and apartments. 

The building on Priestgate was bought by Darlington Borough Council in 2022 and is a part of a council-led town centre regeneration scheme. 

Funding for the scheme has come from the Government's Towns Fund and Tees Valley Combined Authority.

Darlington and Stockton Times: The Northern Echo building, in Priestgate

Darlington Borough Council says the new facility will provide a valuable addition to the town's existing adult learning provision and will help to address the increasing demand for high-quality commercial letting space in the town centre.

Adavo will design, deliver and operate the project.

Preparatory works to ready the historic site have already begun. Renovation work is expected to start in August.

Angela Howey, Town Board chair, said: “A revised proposal to extend the scope of the Northern Echo adult skills project to include more high-quality commercial office space on the upper floors was recently accepted by the Towns Fund. 

“We are delighted that Adavo has now come on board and that we are able to take the next steps in regenerating this important building. The project presents fantastic opportunities for local people wanting to learn new skills, find employment or progress in their careers as well as for businesses looking to start, grow, or relocate in Darlington.

Chris McEwan, cabinet member for economy, shared his excitement for the renovation. He added: “Having commercial space alongside the new adult skills facility also poses significant possibilities for learners seeking employment and for collaboration between business and education providers; helping to ensure learners have the right skills and are employable.

Mark Black, chief executive officer of Adavo Workspace said: “The building is a fabulous setting, with an interesting history and great local connections, and we are excited to have the opportunity to redevelop the space to accommodate the changing needs and demands of modern businesses; helping to bring more, better quality jobs to the area. 

“Having an adult skills facility on site is a great coup and presents exciting opportunities for businesses to interact with education providers; supporting the ongoing training and development of local talent.”