A police traffic constable who once warned speeding drivers "this is Selby not Silverstone" has been sacked after being caught driving at 154mph.

As reported by The Press at the time, North Yorkshire Police traffic constable Adam Smith issued the Silverstone warning when he took part in a crackdown on street racing in the county in 2022.

However, following a hearing at Police Headquarters in Northallerton on May 24 this year, Smith was dismissed from North Yorkshire Police after he was caught speeding.

The officer was clocked on two occasions during the same journey, driving at 154mph and 98mph.

The hearing into Smith's conduct found that both speeding incidents happened on the A1(M) northbound. There was no policing purpose for the excessive speed, the hearing was told.

The outcome of the misconduct hearing, published by North Yorkshire Police, said: "The officer accepted there was no policing purpose for the excess speed and admitted his behaviour breached the standard of professional behaviour in relation to discreditable conduct and amounted to gross misconduct. "

The decision was taken to dismiss Smith with immediate effect, and to place him on the college of policing barred list.

North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Tim Forber, who chaired the misconduct hearing, said: “This conduct has the potential to significantly undermine public confidence in North Yorkshire Police.

"As Chief Constable I am rightly concerned about the number of persons killed or seriously injured on the road network.

"The primary cause of this is excess speed and the force rightly undertakes extensive speed enforcement and prevention activity.

"The actions of PC Smith, driving at speeds of up to 154mph with no policing purpose for doing so, have undermined the legitimacy of the force in this regard.

"This speed was manifestly excessive, totally unjustifiable, and this is an entirely different case than an officer or member of the public who is prosecuted for speeding by a moderate amount due to a failure in concentration.

"Accordingly, the only outcome which is appropriate in these circumstances is dismissal without notice. The officer will be placed on the college of policing barred list."