The family of a murder victim fighting to keep her killer in prison have held a ‘positive’ meeting with the Parole Board boss after they reacted angrily after hearing adjourned.

Ann Ming fought tirelessly to see her daughter’s killer brought to justice after she successfully persuaded the government to repeal the archaic double jeopardy legislation.

William Dunlop, known as Billy, strangled Julie Hogg to death and stuffed her body behind the bath panel in her flat.

Mrs Ming found her daughter’s mutilated body three months after she was murdered.

Ann Ming speaking to the BBC outside the Royal Courts of JusticeAnn Ming speaking to the BBC outside the Royal Courts of Justice (Image: Newsquest)

Now in his 60s, Dunlop was due to appear before the Parole Board yesterday (Tuesday, June 25) in a bid to be released from prison after serving almost 18 years for the murder of Ms Hogg in 1991.

Julie HoggJulie Hogg

Mrs Ming and Julie’s son, Kevin Hogg, reacted furiously after the hearing was adjourned at the 11th hour after they had travelled to London to take part.

Parole Board head Carolyn Corby offered an apology to the family when she met with them at the authority's Canary Wharf headquarters.

Kevin Hogg speaking to the media outside the Royal Courts of JusticeKevin Hogg speaking to the media outside the Royal Courts of Justice (Image: Graeme Hetherington, Newsquest)

Speaking after the private meeting, Mr Hogg said: “The meeting was productive and there was a positive outcome. She sincerely apologised for what had happened.

“A new hearing hasn’t been scheduled yet but it is likely to take place at the back end of this year or early next.”

Billy DunlopBilly Dunlop


Dunlop twice stood trial for the killing in 1991, but two juries could not reach verdicts, and he walked free because of the 'double-jeopardy' rule.

The campaigning mother was furious and set out on a fight to bring her daughter's killer to justice.

Mrs Ming’s tireless campaign for justice finally came to a conclusion in 2006 when Dunlop was convicted of her daughter’s murder and jailed for life – the very first case to be tried under the new legal guidance.

And Mrs Ming's dogged determination was rewarded after Dunlop's prison confession to the brutal killing was used against him and he was finally brought to justice.