A proposal to site a kiosk selling coffee and snacks on a council car park in Skinningrove has been granted planning permission at the second time of asking.

The kiosk housed in a steel shipping container is due to be located at the St Hild Car Park, in Marine Terrace.

Some villagers had objected to the plans being considered by Redcar and Cleveland Council with concerns ranging from the visual impact, potential littering, increased traffic and potential noise and disturbance affecting nearby properties.

Brotton ward councillor Barry Hunt, who lives in Skinningrove, spoke at a previous regulatory committee meeting – which deferred a decision – in order to represent residents’ views.

Cllr Hunt said he was “disappointed” with the result.

He described how the car park was frequently very busy with visitors and referenced facilities in the village that were already selling refreshments, including a recently re-opened fish and chip shop and the local community centre.

Committee members had requested more information about the plans with further detail subsequently being supplied to the planning authority by an agent of the applicant Penny Johnson.

The unit would be clad and painted, while there would also be no tables and chairs put out, both elements having been a concern of members.

Addressing the disposal of waste, a public waste bin would be supplied to the side of the container, which would be emptied daily and rubbish disposed of, while all discarded plastics would be commercially recycled.

A litter pick would also be carried out in the car park in the morning.

A description was also supplied of a generator which would be in use in order to provide power to the kiosk, which was said to be of a lower decibel level than a nearby Northumbrian Water tower.

A council officer’s report had previously recommended approval of the plans, subject to conditions being attached.

It said the size, scale and location of the container would respect the character of the surroundings and not result in any physical effects to neighbouring properties.

The report also noted that the parcel of land on which the kiosk could be sited was an unmarked parking area.

It said: “Whilst the proposal would remove one parking space it is not considered to pose any appreciable effect upon the parking available or the ability to manoeuvre within the existing parking area.”

An application form suggested the kiosk would be manned by one person and be open seven days a week between 9am and 2pm in the months November to March.

Between April and October those hours would be extended up to 6pm.