A Premier Inn could be extended with more bedrooms but 11 fewer parking spaces under plans being considered by Stockton Council.

Premier Inn Hotels Ltd have applied for planning permission to build a two-storey extension to the Premier Inn on Yarm Road. The developers plan to build an annex with a breakfast room, extend the hotel by 19 bedrooms, but reduce parking spaces from 136 to 125.

An energy strategy report by consultant engineers Thornley & Lumb Partnership says the proposed extension meets targets for carbon emissions. A transport statement from RGP says it would result in a total of 101 bedrooms.

It adds: “The hotel extension would be in the form of an annex, with a breakfast room provided to cater for guests’ morning meals. Access would continue to be afforded from A1027 Yarm Road as per the existing arrangements.”

They conclude there would not be a “notable increase in traffic and would have a negligible impact on the operation (of the) local highway network. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the Premier Inn hotel would not necessarily attract new visitors but rather provide overnight accommodation for people making a pre-determined trip into the area, hence any additional trips to the site would not necessarily be ‘new’ to the local highway network.”

They say the car park would be enough to cater for parking demand, with extra stands for four bicycles.