Plans to build more houses on a village development on the outskirts of Middlesbrough look set to be passed, despite concerns from residents and a neighbouring care home.

Middlesbrough Council’s planning committee will meet on Thursday to consider a revised application for 22 homes on the Rose Cottage development in Stainton. Objections have been voiced by 23 nearby residents and Montpelier Manor Care Home, as well as the local parish council.

The plot on Strait Lane is part of a larger site allocated for residential development, with the proposal bringing the total number of homes to 336. In its objection, Stainton and Thornton Parish Council said the site was being “over-developed” and would result in problems with access, parking, drainage and flooding risks to next-door properties.

“The topography of the site shows that it sits towards the bottom of a gentle slope and has an underlying strata of boulder clay,” said the letter of objection. “Anecdotally, residents from Rose Cottage to the south of the site are complaining that their gardens have been flooded this winter and if the proposed development is built out as planned, then surface water drainage could be a problem particularly for the adjacent property, Montpelier Manor.

“Every effort should be made to prevent this from happening. As it stands, the proposed development could have a negative impact on the amenity currently enjoyed by the residents, staff and visitors to the care home.”

They also said the proposed access via Strait Lane, and the drains, would cross land owned by Montpelier Manor and permissions are not thought to have been agreed. Comments were also raised about potential noise from the development, impact on property values and children from the new homes throwing balls on to other properties.

The care home has objected to the design and appearance of a noise reduction fence and the impact of “over-shadowing”. The council report to the committee said noise associated with the proposed development was no different than that of the adjacent residential estates and the impact on neighbours is not considered “abnormal or detrimental”.

If passed, the development will be subject to a section 106 agreement, requiring the developer – T Manners & Sons – to pay £95,415 towards highway works, £2,000 for local environmental improvements and £40,722 towards a beck improvement scheme. The report said the access and drainage land-owning issues were civil matters and “have no bearing” on the determination of the plans.

Planning officers have recommended the scheme be approved, stating: “It is considered that the proposed development will not result in a significant detrimental impact on the amenities associated with adjacent properties/uses and will adequately provide for the amenity and privacy of future occupiers of the development.”