A teenage girl who died from a stab wound underwent open chest surgery on her kitchen floor as paramedics battled in vain to save her, an inquest heard.

Ambulance crews were told CPR was being carried out on 14-year-old Scarlett Vickers at her Geneva Road home in Darlington when the alarm was raised last Friday.

Despite the best efforts of medical crews Scarlett died at the scene and her parents have been arrested and charged with murder.

An inquest was opened today (Thursday, July 11) by Jeremy Chipperfield at Crook Coroners’ Court.

Tim Gilks, the coroner’s officer, said: “I understand the circumstances to be that a call was received from ambulance reporting CPR is ongoing at the address.

“Upon attendance, a 14-year-old female victim is laid on the kitchen floor unconscious and not breathing, with a deep stab wound to the left side of a lower breast area.

“Medical attention was given for over an hour by numerous paramedic crews, Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) and police, including open chest surgery, however unfortunately Scarlett was confirmed deceased by HEMS crew at 11.52pm on July 5, 2024.

The day after Dr Jennifer Bolton conducted a post-mortem examination at Darlington Memorial Hospital and gave the cause of death a stab wound to the chest.

Her parents, Simon Vickers, 48, and Sarah Hall, 44, of Geneva Road were charged with her murder after the incident.

Sarah Hall, 44, made her latest appearance at Teesside Crown Court on Wednesday where she was released on bail. 

Hall was granted bail by High Court judge His Honour Mr Justice Jacobs under strict conditions.

The barrister for the teenager’s father, Simon Vickers, did not make an application for bail on behalf of his client.