A host of sheep championships were awarded as the 2024 Great Yorkshire Show drew to a close on Friday.

Overall Champion ewe lamb pair went to CJ Cormack and Gaynor McDowell from Leicestershire with Blue Texels. Gaynor said: “We’re really pleased to win. It’s the first time showing ewes up here.”

Supreme Champion pair title went to David McKerrow from Aberdeenshire with Texels, who also took the champion tup pair. He said: “I’m delighted to win. I love this show. I’ve got a seven hour trip home and I’ll be going back with a smile.”

The Supreme Champion interbreed pair was won by Stephen Short from Halifax with Hampshire Downs. He said: “I’m delighted. I’ve never won the pairs before. A home win is lovely but any win is a good win.”

The Supreme Champion interbreed group of three went to Francis Barbour from Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, with British Berrichon. He said: “I’m absolutely thrilled and over the moon. It’s good to see the Berrichon getting the credit it deserves. I sell a lot of Berrichon tups commercially and when people try and buy they come back.”

The strong showing continued for the Stones family, of Nun Cote Nook in Marrick, near Richmond. After taking the reserve breed champion for their gimmer shearling North Country Cheviot on Wednesday, they took home the champion rosette for the non MV accredited group of three.

The finale of the show also saw the Grand Cattle Parade and the Blythwood Beef Pairs named. The Continental pair winners were Sophie Harvey and Stewart Bett with their British Limousins, while the Native winners were Jennifer Hyslop and Carol Rettic with their Beef Shorthorns.