Rishi Sunak joined the celebrations to mark 20 years since a community garden and orchard was created in Reeth.

The Richmond and Northallerton MP was among the visitors to a Summer Mocktails Party organised to celebrate the anniversary of the project’s creation in what was the abandoned and largely derelict back garden of the former Barclays Bank.

In 2002 a group of volunteers took on the task of restoring the old walled garden of Hudson House after Barclays agreed to sell the building to become a rural resource centre. It took two years to bring the garden and orchard back to life and it was officially opened in 2004.

Since then it has been maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers who also organised Sunday’s party to mark the anniversary.

During his visit, Mr Sunak was shown how the garden had been rescued and looked after, by Reeth Community Orchard Garden chair Chris Browne.

Mr Sunak said: “What has been created here is a very beautiful oasis of calm for the residents of Swaledale and Arkengarthdale, and which is also appreciated by visitors to the area. It is fantastic to think of the many hours of volunteer labour that went into creating it and how that effort continues today.”

(Image: Contributor)

Mr Browne said the volunteers were pleased their local MP had been able to join them at the celebration. He added: “It was a special occasion for the community garden and its volunteers and lovely to have both Rishi’s support and interest.”

Party guests enjoyed homemade non-alcoholic cocktails, listening to Reeth Brass Band and viewing a display of pictures in the Hudson House gallery which illustrated how the garden had been restored.

The group would be pleased to welcome more volunteers to join the regular Saturday morning gardening maintenance sessions. Contact 01748 884186 or email reethcommunitygarden@gmail.com or Reeth Community Orchard on Facebook and Instagram.