'Mother and Daughter’

THIS is an exhibition of artwork by a mother and her daughter, reflecting the differences and similarities in their styles and influences.

It is a long-awaited event. Kathleen is 86 and has exhibited in group art shows over recent years but this is the first time her work has formed a substantial part of an exhibition.

Her oldest daughter, Fran, has worked as an artist in the North-East for more than 30 years. She sells and exhibits her work, including as a selected artist for North Yorkshire Open Studios. Fran also works as an art psychotherapist.

Kathleen and Fran had quite different childhoods. Kathleen's was one where there was little money or time for art. However, her mother recognised the importance of education and Kathleen trained as a teacher. She was determined that her children would have a home where creativity was encouraged and valued and so she supported Fran to pursue her ambition to become a professional artist. Kathleen channelled her own creativity over many years, primarily through writing poetry and prose.

An opportunity to work together arose when Fran was commissioned to paint a mural in Kathleen's home town, Crook. They worked together on the project and Kathleen was directly involved in the creation of the mural.

This lit a spark for her – helping her to re-discover her passion for painting. With further encouragement from Fran she has developed her style and confidence. Both find inspiration for their paintings, drawings and mixed media work in the colour and beauty they see in the world around them. This exhibition celebrates their shared, creative journey.

The exhibition is in The Mezzanine Gallery from July 18 to 30 July at The Station, Richmond, DL10 4LD. For more information, visit www.francesconnollyartist.co.uk, Instagram franconnolly6 or www.thestation.co.uk.