A Darlington pensioner died two months after falling at home after suffering injuries that he never recovered from, an inquest has heard. 

Peter Eric Ford, 87, of Faverdale Road in Darlington, was taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital in April this year after he suffered a fall at the property in the town. 

In the fall, Mr Ford suffered a hematoma, which he was treated for - but his condition worsened, and he was taken to James Cook Hospital. 

At James Cook, it was highlighted that, due to the pensioner's weakness, compiled with internal bleeding, Mr Ford never recovered from his injuries and he died on July 24 this year.

At an inquest on Tuesday (July 30) at Teesside Coroner's Court in Middlesbrough, the assistant coroner for Teesside and Hartlepool, Karin Welsh, recorded Mr Ford's death as a fall.