Wensleydale Railway hosted a visit by members of the Northallerton & District ME/CFS Support Group.

Sue Hill, one of the railway’s volunteers and living history interpreters at Leeming Bar station, is secretary of the group.

Members had a tour of Leeming Bar Station House and then enjoyed sandwiches and hot drinks before a train journey to Leyburn. The visit was rounded off with cakes and more tea and coffee, back at Leeming Bar.

The Northallerton & District ME/CFS Support Group was founded more than 20 years ago to help people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, commonly known ME, which affects more than 265,000 people in the UK.

(Image: Contributor)

It is a life changing neurological condition leading to long term disability and a lower quality of life, with no known treatment. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a term that covers many conditions but most commonly ME, fibromyalgia and now Long Covid. 

“Our support group offers friendship, support and a way to be with others who understand each other," said Sue. "People often feel very isolated, and our group can help with this. We have been told many times by new members what a difference the group has made to them. We have outside speakers regularly talking about varied interests, and visits to places of interest when we can.”

(Image: Contributor)

The group is based in Northallerton, meeting at the Cottage meeting rooms at the Methodist church on the High Street, on the first Monday in the month, between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. See www.northallertonmegroup.weebly.com or email northallertonmesecretary@gmail.com for more information.

Nick Keegan, marketing and fundraising manager at Wensleydale Railway, said: “It was our pleasure to host this small private event on behalf of the Northallerton & District ME/CFS Support Group. We are a community railway, and local groups like this one share that sense of community spirit and purpose. What was most evident from meeting the group’s members was the clear bond of friendship and mutual support that they shared. If you have ME/CFS and live in Northallerton and the surrounding area, please do get in touch with this group. You will be made most welcome.”