Darlington Borough Council are "minded to grant permission" to plans to extend Faverdale Industrial Estate according to a new report.

The proposal by Orange Door Commercial Limited is for eight industrial units to be constructed on a 0.35-hectare site within the estate.

The units are set to be used for light industrial and storage/distribution purposes.

Although the report has been submitted, the granting of planning permission is subject to approval by Darlington Borough Council.

The plan includes the installation of car parks, delivery bays, new access points, fences, gates, and landscaping alterations.

While the proposal sees a reduction from the original nine units, it does not impact the site's viability for its intended purposes.

The council report indicates that the plan aligns effectively with local planning policies, which encourage economic investment in designated industrial areas.

It adds: "The site has adequate access and parking."

While access and parking pass muster, suggestions for improvements such as inclusion of accessible car parking spaces have been made.

The council requires further details on materials and landscaping, although the overall industrial design has been deemed appropriate.

The proposed units also pass muster regarding environmental health considerations and are distanced sufficiently from residential areas to prevent encroaching upon local residents.

There were several technical consultations carried out, with no substantial objections from noteworthy authorities including Highways, Environmental Health, and Ecology officers.

Nearby business Davies Transport raised an objection concerning potential disruptions and drainage issues from the new units.

Callum Knight, from Orange Door Commercial Limited, has been asked to enter a legal agreement securing a financial contribution for biodiversity improvements as part of the approval conditions.