This year’s Askrigg and District Produce Show was opened on Sunday, August 25 by parish council leader, Allen Kirkbride who welcomed a happy crowd to the 76th event.

There was an impressive collection of exhibits in horticulture and vegetables sections, despite the poor growing season. The event saw a good turnout, even with the high winds and rain – luckily for the show committee and attendees, it is all indoors.

The show has its roots in the aftermath of the Second World War and the "Dig for Victory" campaign. Local growers at the time decided it would be nice to add a bit of competitive spirit to the initiative and so the show was born. It is believed that it has been running every year since 1948.

Mike Dechezeaux, Produce Show chairman, said the event runs like clockwork, with many experienced judges, stewards and helpers turning out every year to make it happen.

The show has expanded to include floral art, cookery, art, crafts, and photography, amongst other categories, and is supported by local schools, Cubs and Beaver groups, who fill the children’s category with colourful arts and crafts.

The winners were:

Hartley Cup for Floral Art: Helen Witcombe;

Crathorne Rose Bowl for Horticulture: Andrew Craske;

Silver Rose Bowl for Roses: Andrew Craske;

John Percival Cup for Vegetables: Karen Jones;

Askrigg Pottery Egg Cup for Eggs: Amanda Killip;

Hopper Cup for Preserves: David Liddell;

Miller Cup for Home Cooking: Joanne Jones / Rhian Liddell;

Craven Award for Handicrafts: Karen Sorsby;

Ingilby Trophy for Art: Suzannah Hill / Liz Connelly;

Woodmas Rose Bowl for Photography: Malcolm Carruthers;

Pre-School Prize: Teddy Woodhouse;

Mayor’s Shield for Infants: Seth Booth;

Bank’s Award for Junior Male: Archie Gurden;

King’s Award for Junior Female: Lizzie Metcalfe;

Bainbridge Award for highest scorer: Karen Jones;

Best Guest Exhibitor: Jane Herbert;

Best Entry in Vegetable Category: Owen Metcalfe;

Best Local Child Entry: Thomas Morton;