Barnard Castle Choral Society begins a new term on Thursday, September 12, when members will start learning The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins.

Under the baton of Richard Dawson, director of music at Barnard Castle School, the choral society meets each Thursday from 7pm to 8.45pm in the Atkinson Hall of Barnard Castle Prep School.

This term they will be practising the popular work by the Welsh composer to prepare for a concert – possibly two – in November. Jenkins earlier this year celebrated his 80th birthday in the Royal Albert Hall, London, by conducting the 3,000th performance of his work.

Barnard Castle Choral Society will perform the Mass for Peace in St Mary’s Parish Church, Barnard Castle, on Saturday, November 23, at 7pm, with a second performance at a venue and date to be confirmed. The society is free to join and non-auditioned. More details are available at barneychoral