A team keeping the tradition of longsword dancing alive would welcome to new members.

Leven Sword is Great Ayton’s Yorkshire Longsword dance team. Their dances are based on sword dances performed in the North East corner of Yorkshire.

Records show that dancing was taking place in Great Ayton at least as far back as the 1890s.

A spokesperson for the group said: "The team welcome all those who would like to help keep the tradition of longsword dancing going in Great Ayton and the surrounding area."

(Image: Contributor)

Members practice fortnightly, on a Monday evening, in the Village Hall, High Street, Great Ayton followed by a drink in The Royal Oak. In the summer they dance out in the local area. 

Anyone who would like to have a go at longsword dancing can go along to the Village Hall on Monday, September 23, from 7.45pm to 9.15 pm.

For more information visit levensword.wordpress.com, the Facebook page LevenSword or contact Caryn on 07773 048250.