Durham County Council has submitted plans to turn the site of a former County Durham primary school into a business and community hub.

Rookhope Primary School closed in August 2024 and had five pupils in its final academic year.

The school will be converted into a business hub, offering small offices and craft workshop spaces for local businesses within its 1,883 square-metre site.

Once the development is completed, it's expected to provide jobs for up to 20 full-time employees.

Proposed plans include the expansion of the existing car park from six to twenty-six spaces, accommodating accessible parking and electric vehicle charging.

The Design and Access statement outlines additional details, noting that the existing school building will be internally refurbished into four small craft workshop or office units, offering a total of 2,530 square feet of lettable space.

(Image: Sarah Caldecott)

Despite some minor alterations and roof repairs, the external structure of the former school building will be retained.

In addition to the business hub, a community space will be incorporated into the project, providing an area that can be reserved for local activities.

It is hoped that these plans will maintain the building's role as a fixture in the community, despite the change in its use.

Council documents state that low pupil numbers led to the decision to close the school, and with no expected population increase, the building's reopening as a school wasn't justified.

However, alternative uses were explored, and the conversion into a business centre was seen as the most viable option.

Old lighting will be replaced with energy-efficient LED fixtures, efficient boilers will be installed and protective measures will be taken to ensure minimal impact on biodiversity.

The project proposal accommodates environmental considerations including flood risks, biodiversity, and drainage, while bird boxes will also be installed to conserve local wildlife.