Proposals to make a flood-hit road safer for drivers have been backed by councillors.

The A684 at Morton-on-Swale has been a point of contention for many years, with the River Swale flooding across the road during heavy rain, leaving drivers travelling between Northallerton and Bedale facing lengthy diversions. 

In January this year, three vehicles including a HGV, got stranded in floodwater next to Morton Bridge, while the road was closed for a day and a half in December 2023 after the Swale burst its banks.

Morton-on Swale floodingMorton-on Swale flooding (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT) When the road, which is the main route from Northallerton to the A1, Bedale and the Dales, closes, drivers are forced to go via Langton Bridge, near Yafforth, where the narrow back road has been badly affected by overuse.

Despite temporary 'closed' and 'diversion' signs being put up when it floods, drivers have called for earlier warnings and better signage. 

As a result, further safety measures are being explored by councillors, with members of North Yorkshire Council's Northallerton and Richmond committee this week backing proposals for additional safety measures. 

Morton-on Swale floodwater during the incident in JanuaryMorton-on Swale floodwater during the incident in January (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT) The proposals were discussed on Monday (September 16), when the committee considered a list of projects that require funding, including the A684 at Morton-on-Swale. 

Under the scheme, new signs would light up to advise drivers that the road is closed upon the point of water breach, providing an instant message as motorists approach.

Drivers in trouble in the floodwater on the A684Drivers in trouble in the floodwater on the A684 (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT) A council document added: "This allows drivers to turn around and utilise the signed diversion.

"This will also assist the area highways team and emergency services in their flood response as it gives an instant message to traffic this should reduce the number of abandoned/trapped vehicles in the floods, allowing the emergency services to focus on other priority areas and the highways team time to focus on getting the hard closure in place."

The proposed work would involve the installation of sensors at the point where the road floods, and electronic signs at Warlaby Crossroads, near Northallerton, and to the west at the eastern roundabout junction with Bedale Bypass.

Councillors at the meeting also discussed work to reduce flooding on the A684 but said that this was being "explored independently" by the council. 

It is expected that the signs and installation will cost £102,000.

Members of the Northallerton and Richmond committee backed the plans, which will now be put forward for a full scoping review and further discussion in October.