Riders and striders from all over Yorkshire enjoyed a successful launch event for the new Saint Aelred’s Pilgrim Trail last week.

The new trail, which was opened on Yorkshire Churches Day, links all the churches in the parishes of Helmsley and Upper Ryedale with Rievaulx Abbey.

Rev Melanie Burnside and churchwarden Ben Houghton set participants off at All Saints Church, Hawnby where two runners, three cyclists, a horse rider and two pony riders, along with 34 walkers all had their pilgrim passports stamped.

Meanwhile a group of the Ryedale Bridleways Group of horse riders led by Bill Tait set out from Murton Grange, Hawnby to meet up with the main group at Old Byland.

More walkers, as well as the horse riders, were gathered at Old Byland where the packed-out All Saints Church was full of people enjoying coffee and cake, whilst admiring Sue Wressell’s mounted textile art exhibition and being intrigued by Peter Clark’s Old Byland Labyrinth on the village green.

Next up was the iconic Church of Saint Mary’s at Scawton where yet more walkers and dogs joined in the fun, after viewing the lovely exhibition by the local group of artists led by Barry Middlemass.

The walkers and riders next gathered in Cold Kirby where the Village Hall full of walkers and supporters bringing numbers up to 64 heading for Rievaulx.

At Rievaulx another large group joined the Gathering Walk processing to the Abbey Nave behind a banner and the cross.

Altogether 150 walkers, riders, and supporters filled the Abbey Nave for a Celebration Service led by Rev Burnside with music from Bilsdale Silver Band. A group of press-ganged monks dressed by Penny Robinson, and led by English Heritage volunteer monk Tony Powell, stood in the centre of the Nave along with two Regia medieval peasants played by Catherine and Mike Stallybrass..

The day was rounded off with a host of people in the Abbey café enjoying a glass of fizz and eating Steven Davies’, English Heritage Cafe Manager, canapés whilst listening to speeches from Tom Ramsden chair of Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust, Joel Brookfield, Director of Recreation and Wellbeing NYMNP, and local North Yorkshire Council member George Jabbour.

Cllr Jabbour said: “Walking the stretch of Saint Aelred’s Pilgrim Trail between Hawnby and Rievaulx on the launch day was a sublime experience. It reminds you of the majestic natural and historical beauty on our doorstep.

“I was delighted to be given the opportunity to address the Celebration Reception at Rievaulx Abbey and express appreciation for the tremendous work that has been carried out by so many volunteers over the past twelve months, and by the planning group led by Rev Melanie Burnside and George Gyte.

“It has been a true pleasure to work with the group since I did last year’s walk which inspired the creation of Saint Aelred’s Pilgrim Trail. I am incredibly grateful that my suggestion to establish a trail that starts and ends in our thriving market town of Helmsley and links local iconic churches has now become a reality."

For more information go to www.saintaelredspilgrimway.com