Residents are celebrating after a government inspector threw out an appeal against the refusal of plans for 32 homes on the outskirts of Richmond.

The controversial proposals for land at the top of Westfields and Hurgill Road, brought forward by Zetland Estates in February 2022, were rejected by North Yorkshire Council after scores of residents protested about the potential impact on a beloved beauty spot on the route of the Coast to Coast walk.

An appeal against the refusal has now been dismissed, with a planning inspector saying the first main issue was the effect of the proposal on the setting of Richmond conservation area, the second was the character and appearance of the area, the third was the effect of the proposal on the setting of Hurgill Lodge, and the fourth was the effect on the significance of the Westfield Medieval Field System.

The news has been met with delight by residents, who had fought to save the pastureland.

Mother-of-two Alexa Gunn, who lives close to the site, said: “This is brilliant news, for both residents and visitors to our area. The development was too large, and in the wrong place – it would have completely spoiled the beautiful landscape.”

The proposals attracted a huge amount of community opposition, with more than 2,000 people signing a petition against the development and 265 further letters of objection.

The application was submitted by Zetland Estates Ltd, the family business venture of the 4th Marquess of Zetland, based at Aske Hall, near Richmond.

The planning inspector said in his report: “The eastern end of the appeal site adjoins the Richmond settlement limit. However, the character and appearance of the appeal site contrasts markedly with the residential character and appearance of land to the east. The site visually and functionally forms part of the countryside that surrounds Richmond and exhibits an open, undeveloped, and pastoral appearance with a quiet and tranquil character.

“A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment concludes that there would be significant visual effects for users of the Coast to Coast path, which passes along closely to the south of the proposed development site.

“This change would detract from the positive contribution that the rural appearance of the site makes in visual terms to the Coast to Coast path. It would also introduce a substantial amount of activity to the site which would be in sharp contrast to its existing quiet and tranquil character.

“The proposal would contribute positively towards housing supply. First homes and affordable rented homes would be provided along with a sum of money as a contribution towards off site affordable housing.

“However, even that the need for affordable housing is as great as indicated by the appellant, the public benefits of the scheme would not be sufficient to outweigh the harm to the significance of the conservation area.

“I have identified harm in relation to a number of issues which would arise as a result of the proposal which would not be outweighed by the benefits of the scheme.”

Zetland Estates had not responded to a request to comment as the D&S Times went to press.