The prizes have been handed out in Guisborough’s Best Gardens competition.

Voluntary group, Guisborough Town Pride took over its running from the town council this year and expanded it to include a best pots and containers class. The gardens section was also split into front and back.

Judging was carried out by the Town Pride members and the Best Front Garden award went to Graham Wood for his unusual, striking garden in Park Lane, which he has developed from scratch since 1994.

His late father and grandfather were gardeners and he developed his interest from them. The Best Back Garden award went to Christine and Dave Harpham.

Their garden in Falcon Way is a peaceful haven which they have developed during the past 44 years. The garden is set at different levels, accentuated by slopes.

Hedgehogs raise families, nesting blue tits produce two broods of chicks each year, while newts and frogs enjoy their pond.

The new category of Best Pots and Containers was won by George Graham for his garden, in a close off Lauderdale Drive.

He has 63 large planters in his garden, including two he made from an old bookcase. They blend beautifully with his other plants, including tomatoes this year.