A Saltburn hotel is seeking retrospective planning permission after erecting a wooden outbuilding to be used to serve pizzas.

The Spa Hotel, on Saltburn Bank, said the structure sited in a paved area used for tables and chairs would house a small pizza oven and be used over the summer.

It would also enable items to be stored due to a lack of storage space inside the hotel.

The hotel, in its application, said the timber structure, which has a felt roof and small hatched serving doors, would be temporary and said advice had been sought as to whether full planning permission was required, as opposed to the item being permitted development.

It described the outbuilding as being 2.5 metres high and said it could not be seen from the highway or neighbouring properties.

Access to it was from the hotel’s car park. 

The location in question is within a conservation area and members of the public have until November 1 to comment on the application lodged with Redcar and Cleveland Council.

The council’s strategic planning team in its submission suggested the development complied with local planning policy and it would only have a “negligible impact” on the conservation area.

It said: “Owing to its location, size and materials the structure is considered to have a negligible impact upon the conservation area and the setting of listed buildings on the higher ground to the east.”