Two Darlington shops have been ordered to close with immediate effect after they were found to be selling illegal vapes.

Darlington Borough Council successfully secured premises closure orders against Ali’s Shop on Whitby Way, and the Corner Shop on High Northgate at Peterlee Magistrates’ Court last week (9 October) after extensive investigations revealed the sale of illegal vapes and cigarettes, including under-age sales.

The case is the latest in an ongoing joint operation between the council’s trading standards team and Durham Constabulary officers to combat the illegal trade of tobacco and nicotine products in the area.

The court heard both shops had been under scrutiny following numerous complaints and multiple inspections that uncovered significant quantities of illegal goods.

(Image: Darlington Council)  During the Darlington inspections, trading standards officers seized a range of illegal products including counterfeit tobacco and over-strength vapes, which could pose serious health risks to consumers/

The court heard compelling evidence of the criminal activities and public nuisance associated with these premises, leading to the decision to issue closure orders to prevent further illegal conduct.

The successful court orders to close these shops underscore the council’s unwavering commitment to protecting residents and maintaining high standards of public health.

Cllr Amanda Riley, the council’s cabinet member for stronger communities said: "Our message is clear, we will employ every resource at our disposal to safeguard the residents and children of our community. There is absolutely no tolerance for such criminality in Darlington. These closure orders demonstrate our commitment to swift and decisive action against those who threaten the wellbeing of our citizens."

(Image: Darlington Council) Inspector Matt Plumb, from Darlington Neighbourhood Police Team added: “This operation highlights the importance of collaboration between the council and law enforcement. This type of activity is not only criminal but also funds organised crime groups.

“Supplying these products to underage children can lead to exploitation and criminality. Our commitment to eradicating these illegal operations remains unwavering, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the protection of our community."

Shaun Trevor, trading standards and animal health manager, said: “Our team is committed to safeguarding the public from the dangers posed by counterfeit and illegal products. The closure of these shops is a testament to our dedication and the robust measures we have in place to combat such activities. Those who attempt to exploit or sell harmful products to children should be warned we will use the full extent of our powers to bring offenders to justice."

The closure orders for Ali's Shop and Corner Shop will remain in effect for three months. Darlington Borough Council urges residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to the sale of illegal products, as community cooperation is crucial in maintaining a safe environment for all.

If you have any information that can assist trading standards please email or report it using the online form (this can be done anonymously) at