AS POULTRY production costs continue to soar, a meeting will next week look at keeping costs to a minimum.

Research by the National Farmers’ Union suggests over the last 12 months costs in the broiler sector have risen 30pc – with feed up a massive 52pc.

Costs for free-range egg producers have seen total costs rise by 23pc, with feed costs up 38pc.

Energy costs have also risen sharply – often doubling for those coming off fixed price contracts.

The NFU’s North-East regional poultry board has invited Andrew Kneeshaw, managing director of FEC Services, to discuss energy efficiency and to provide practical advice on how producers use no more than they need.

It is also hoped to have a speaker from the feed sector to provide an overview of the market and what is likely to happen with price levels in the short and medium term.

The meeting is at the NFU regional office in York on Wednesday, from 7pm. It is open to NFU members.