An employee of a Teesside civil engineering firm has become the first in the country to receive a Considerate Constructor award for work at a prison.

Brian (Jock) Paterson, a site manager for Guisborough-based Henderson Campbell, received his bronze award for work at HMP Stocken.

The company has been involved in constructing or extending prisons and secure units for 15 years.

Antony Henderson, managing director, firmly believes in employing and training his own staff rather than using contractors.

Mr Paterson has worked for Henderson Campbell for 13 years, and collected his Considerate Constructors certificate at a ceremony at The Gibson Hall in London.

He was in charge of the site at HMP Stocken where two new accommodation units, plus a workshop, gymnasium, kitchen and storage building have been built and other areas refurbished.

Henderson Campbell is currently working on prison sites throughout the UK, including Kirklevington, Yarm; Barnard Castle and Castington in Northumberland.
