THE new VPTech nozzle assembly, introduced by Hypro, is designed to provide the ideal spray configuration for preand post-emergence autumn sprays.

It delivers a flat fan spray containing a mixed droplet spectrum, which is ideal for the greatest coverage of small grass weed targets.

Roger James, product manager, said: “Getting all the spray to the target and achieving uniform coverage is absolutely critical to making the most of preemergence autumn herbicides and getting blackgrass control off to a good start. The new VPTech nozzle can help by delivering a mixed droplet spectrum including fines, and by producing the correct overlap pattern for different boom heights – 110 degrees for 50cm boom height or 80 degrees for 50- 70cm.”

The nozzle assembly comprises a Hypro TwinCap body, one 80 or 110 degree VP tip and a blanked second outlet. Different sizes of VP tip can be inserted easily or exchanged for a different tip design for other spraying jobs.

Replacing the blank with a second spray tip creates a twin spray nozzle for applications where forward and rearward angled sprays from one nozzle are advantageous.

In laboratory trials, spray coverage onto small artificial blackgrass targets was increased by an average of eight per cent when the spray was inclined 30 degrees forwards and backwards.