Sir, – Another crash on the Wensleydale line and once more the railway staff blame the users. The police have been asked to look at the matter of crossing safety previous to this last incident and they attended the crash scene on the day.

If everyone concerned cares to look at Network Rail’s website the rancour that will result from this accident should be lessened. Network Rail owns the line and its recommendations on level crossings are fourfold, from fully automatic to the gateless.

The three rail crossings between Bedale and Newton le Willows have no need of gates as they do not open into fields where there is livestock. The crossings are long-established private access fenced roads to agricultural business’s and domestic premises which are crossed daily by far more vehicles than there are trains using the line.

What Network Rail recommends in such cases is to ensure there are good sight lines in both directions from either side of the track that are well maintained with a white line on either side at which tractors, trucks, cars or horses can safely stop, listen and look.

I suggest that the line operators go to the accident site and time the full process of operating the gates which they choose for the safety of the regular road users and go through the necessary procedures timing, looking and listening for a train approaching from the west and they will experience the ridiculous nature of their management policy when all that is required is a small amount of earth moving, tree felling and annual grass maintenance.


East Witton, near Leyburn.