Sir, – I refer to your report "Council was unaware of local Orange Order parade" (D&S, Oct 19) and the reported comments of the Mayor of Northallerton, Coun Jack Dobson, and Coun Ken Archer.

I have contacted both these councillors about their comments, which I feel were derogatory of the Orange Order In Northallerton.

I Have been Worthy Master of LOL 265 for 20-plus years and I can assure the public of Northallerton that we have never been refused the option to use the town hall function room.

In fact, we have had three functions (not rallies ) in the town hall, one before my time and twice since I have been Master of the Lodge.

I also feel it is strange to compare our parade which takes approx six minutes to get along the High Street with no road closures, to an event that completely closed the High Street for four days.

We use this event to celebrate our culture and to remember those that made the supreme sacrifice by laying a wreath at the war memorial. We also take part in the Remembrance parade as a Lodge each year.

Should anyone need any clarification on our order, they can contact us on

